
ICT consultancy

IT infrastructure | Bottlenecks | Security | Automation | IT Planning

Optimize your business operations with our ICT consultancy

Want to professionalize your ICT environment? Our ICT consultancy offers the expertise you need to analyze your systems, identify bottlenecks and improve security. From cloud solutions to automation and strategic planning, we deliver customized solutions that fit your business needs. With our expert guidance, you can increase efficiency, reduce costs and build a robust IT infrastructure. Contact us today and find out how we can help you achieve your IT goals and grow your business.

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Gain insight into relevant security solutions for your business.

Our consulting services

The prices quoted do not include VAT.

ICT manager

per hour based on subsequent calculation
Manage and optimize information systems and projects
Improve work processes and communication
Managing and supervising the team

Flexible consulting

per hour based on subsequent calculation
Flexible scaling up and down
Analyses, advice and implementations

Most chosen

Consultancy track

per hour based on subsequent calculation
Analysis of ICT infrastructure & bottlenecks
Improving security and automation
From 8 hours per week

ServicePlus package

starting price per month per user
Unlimited ICT support
Exclusive hardware and software offers
Sharp discount for groups of users

Awareness training

On request
Recognizing security threats
Awareness of effects
Phishing email prevention

ICT infrastructure analysis

A thorough analysis of your ICT infrastructure is the first step toward efficiency and optimization. Our experts evaluate your current systems and networks to assess performance, reliability and scalability. We identify areas for improvement and advise you on the best solutions to strengthen your infrastructure. With our detailed analysis, you get a clear overview of the strength and weakness of your ICT environment, which helps you make informed decisions and plan future investments.


Bottleneck identification

Identifying bottlenecks in your ICT systems is critical to improving operational efficiency. Our consulting services focus on identifying bottlenecks that can slow down or disrupt your business processes. Through thorough research and analysis, we help you find and solve these problems, making your systems faster and more reliable. With a focused approach, we ensure that your ICT environment functions optimally and any disruptions are minimized.


Professional security

Security is essential in today's digital world. We offer expert advice and solutions to protect your IT environment from threats. Our security consulting includes evaluating your current security measures, identifying vulnerabilities and implementing robust security strategies. With our help, you strengthen the protection of your data and systems, allowing you to focus on your core business without worrying about security risks.


Optimize automation

Automation can save your business a lot of time and costs. We help you optimize your automation processes to increase efficiency and minimize human error. Whether it's automating routine tasks, integrating systems or implementing advanced tools, we offer customized solutions that fit your business needs. Let us help you streamline your processes and increase your productivity.

Strategic IT planning

A well-thought-out IT strategy is critical to future success. We provide strategic planning and advice to ensure that your IT investments and initiatives are aligned with your business goals. Working together on a long-term IT strategy, we help you plan technology upgrades, manage IT budgets and prepare for future trends. Receive expert advice for a future-proof IT strategy that contributes to your business goals.

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