
Top 6 good ICT resolutions (for your company)

The beginning of the new year, the time for new resolutions. Do you also sit down every year to set good intentions for your business? Then you probably also know how difficult it can be to implement them. A familiar problem for many companies and individuals.

EDSAS therefore collected 6 good intentions in the field of ICT and telecommunications.

1: Outsource ICT work.

Wist u dat een fulltime ICT’er niet altijd nodig is? Veel bedrijven hebben enkel ondersteuning nodig bij hun ICT-problemen. Is dit bij u ook het geval? Wellicht is het dan een optie om uw ICT-werkzaamheden uit te besteden. Zo kunt u zich volledig richten op andere factoren binnen uw bedrijf en tegelijkertijd zorgen voor goede ICT voornemens die de efficiëntie en veiligheid van uw bedrijf verbeteren.

Would you like to outsource your ICT work? With our serviceplus package you have unlimited help from our service desk. Sign up now for the serviceplus package.

2: Replacing old equipment

Old equipment can be detrimental to the efficiency of your employees and thus your business. Therefore, it is important to replace them in time. Check your equipment and purchase new ones, if necessary.

Is it time to replace your hardware? We advise, supply and install. For more information on hardware, visit our website.

3: Creating Office 365 backup

Backing up your files prevents you from losing files. Therefore, it is very important to perform them regularly. This way, your files will always be safe in case of a cyberattack or virus.

Do you want to secure your files? We will work with you to see which package suits your business. Please contact us for more information!

Good intentions EDSAS backup

4: Store files in a secure cloud

It is becoming increasingly important to be able to access your files at all times. Of course, this should not come at the expense of the security of your files. By storing your files in a secure cloud, your employees can work optimally anywhere and the security of your files is guaranteed.

Curious about the possibilities? You can find more information about the cloud on our website.

5: Optimal security for all your business and customer data.

Bij een aanval op uw server kunnen uw gegevens gelekt worden of bestanden kwijtraken. Het is natuurlijk het beste om dit te voorkomen. Beveilig uw gegevens en bestanden met uitstekende beveiligingssoftware en zorg ervoor dat u goede ICT voornemens hebt om de veiligheid en integriteit van uw systemen te waarborgen..

Thanks to the many security software, it can be difficult to pick the right one. Don't worry, we come to the rescue! We will work with you to find the security software that best suits your business. We give advice and deliver tailor-made solutions.

Check out our website for more information on security software.

6: Increase digital skills

We are increasingly online and this, of course, includes your employees. This makes it more attractive for hackers to attack your server and this is reflected in the emerging cyberattacks and viruses. This makes it increasingly important to be secure online. Prevent problems by brushing up on your IT skills.

We offer a workshop that will help you develop your knowledge about online safety. The workshop is packed with tips on how to be safe online.

Read more about online safety on our website.

EDSAS good intentions

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Contact us for the top 6 ICT resolutions for your business.

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