
Improving Internet connectivity? Read these 7 tips

Do you ever find yourself in a Teams meeting with still faces and people not responding? Then it's time to improve your Internet connection! How annoying is it to be interrupted by Internet problems during an important video call? It's really frustrating because internet is required for much of our work. Therefore, we have 7 tips for an optimal and stable Internet connection for your office building.

1. Test your Wi-Fi speed with a speed test

Before making any major changes to your premises, we recommend that you perform a speed test first. After all, it would be a shame to spend money on changes, when it turns out to be completely unnecessary. With a speedtest you can easily test the speed of your wifi. Does the website indicate that you have a fast wifi connection? Then it's not because of your COAX, DSL or fiber internet connection, but because of other factors such as a slow website. Visit another website to see if the problem lies with the website or some other factor.

2. Change the wifi channel or internet frequency

Are other companies in your office building using the same Wi-Fi channel? If so, this can interfere with your internet signal and cause a poorer internet connection. You can easily solve this by changing your wifi channel or internet frequency. As a result, your wifi channel will no longer overlap another channel and your internet connection is less likely to be disrupted. Our access points scan regularly to see if a new channel is needed. Is this the case? Then our access point will automatically choose a new channel.

3. Install access points for better Internet connection

Is your workstation too far away from your modem? This is not good for your Internet connection and can affect work such as your video call. With access points, you create or expand a wireless network (Wi-Fi). So by installing access points, you improve the range of your Internet connection. Connect the access points to the router or a switch via a network cable. The access points act as a second wifi access point. The wired connection allows the access points to distribute a good and stable wireless Internet connection. We make sure the access points are hung in the optimal locations, strengthening your weak signal.

So what then is the difference between an access point and a wifi amplifier? And why do we recommend wifi amplifiers? Wifi amplifiers or PowerLine adapters only repeat a weak signal. So these wifi amplifiers or PowerLine adapters cannot repeat the wifi signal indefinitely and it often affects your wifi speed. In addition, these often do not create a mesh network. Our access points do. Your mobile device automatically connects to the best and therefore fastest access point. Often this is the nearest. So you never have to turn your wifi connection off and on for a temporary faster connection.

4. Place access points in the right place for good coverage

Walls or other obstacles can break or degrade the Internet connection. Therefore, place an access point in a central location. Here the rule applies: the further you are from the transmitter, the weaker the Wi-Fi signal and the lower the Internet speed. We recommend placing the access point in a high location, because the Internet connection is less interrupted by office furnishings and other objects. Note! Electronic devices, such as your workstation hardware, can also interfere with the internet signal. Make sure there is always 30 cm distance between the access point and the hardware. So the location of your access point has a lot of influence on the quality of your COAX, DSL or fiber Internet connection. So think carefully about where you place your access point.

5. Upgrade your internet subscription

Have you ever taken out a business Internet connection and thought you were done with that? Once upon a time, a 100Mbps connection might have been enough, but nowadays you have to think twice. Of course, this does vary by company; if on a normal working day you only use Outlook for your mail and do some browsing on the Internet then you may already be fine. Meanwhile, do you have 4 employees who have at least the same Internet usage or more? Then that 100Mbps should actually be divided by five, giving you a lower Internet speed. Then an upgrade to your current Internet subscription doesn't sound so wrong after all. Nowadays, with a fiber connection you can already reach up to 1000Mbps download and even 1000Mbps upload. Fiberglass is becoming available in more and more places. Even with non-glass fiber connections, you can often get higher speeds than that 100Mbps. Contact us to look at the possibilities for your business.

6. Replace your old hardware

Your hardware also plays an important role in your daily work. Did you buy a new laptop just last year? Unfortunately, this is not the only factor that plays into your Internet speed. The Internet speed you experience is only as fast as the least fast component in the route from your meter box to your device. This includes everything from a router, switch or access point to the cable that connects everything. Don't just use an Ethernet cable you "still had lying around" for this. Often these are still of the old generation, directly limiting your speed to the speed of the cable. Contact us for advice on possible upgrades relevant to your company's network configuration.

7. Use a guest network for optimal Internet

Apart from sharing an Internet connection as named in tip 5, sharing your Wi-Fi network can also cause problems. Always make sure your guests are on a separate network. Do your guests have their own wifi network and password? That doesn't always mean your guests are isolated from your business equipment. We make sure your guest network is completely isolated. In addition, we can limit the internet speed of your guest network, for example. With this, you can prevent an unwitting guest who briefly watches his Netflix series in the waiting room from preventing you from successfully conducting your Teams call. We like to think along with you to ensure the best results for you and your customers.

Therefore, for a good Internet connection, check the location of your access point, change the Wi-Fi channel, install an access point, upgrade your Internet subscription or replace old hardware. Can't figure it out or prefer to hand it over? We are happy to help you optimize your internet at your office. Check out all our internet solutions or contact us for a no-obligation consultation.

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