
Checklist: Carefree vacation with these 8 work tips

The vacations are coming! Sun, sea, beach and enjoy right? But are you well prepared for the vacations? The vacation season can bring a lot of stress. Especially if your work is not well prepared for your upcoming vacation. For example, have you already thought about your absence notice? And are your files safely stored in a backup? We have gathered everything for you in a checklist, so you can put work behind you and go on vacation worry-free.

1. Back up and prevent data loss during your vacation

Is the laptop going with you on vacation? Or does it stay behind in your home? Your laptop then becomes an easy prey for theft. The risk of damage is also many times greater while traveling. In addition to losing your laptop, you also lose important files. The question is whether you will be able to get these files back. Of course, coming back from vacation is no fun. Immediately falling behind, recreating files and missing important information. A backup ensures that your files are safe and that you can leave completely relaxed.

2. Set up an absence notice to notify everyone

Is the business mail on your phone? Then you probably know this feeling: just open the mailbox, it can't hurt, right? If you see that one important mail in your inbox, it becomes a challenge not to respond to it. With an absence message you make sure that all your colleagues and relations know about your vacation. You can even set different messages for internal and external contacts, allowing you to tailor your messages for optimal results. Don't forget to put in when you will be back and who they can turn to for your tasks.

3. Transfer phone and stop being disturbed unnecessarily

Huh, just sitting by the pool and the phone rings again. The phone keeps ringing. Sighing, you pick up the phone again. A little voice in your head tells you not to. But that important call must and will be answered. Switch your phone and don't be disturbed unnecessarily. Or do you close your doors for a few days and don't want to miss the phone calls? It is also possible to forward calls from the landline phone, so you won't miss important calls during your absence.

4. Customize your voicemail to notify customers and associates

Do your customers and associates keep bothering you during your vacation? The absence message is often considered, but have you thought about voicemail? Inform your customers and relations about your vacation. By properly informing your clients and associates, they will be less likely to call you. Even with voicemail, let them know when you will be back and who will take over your duties.

5. Create a to-do list in Outlook to avoid stress

The last hours have kicked in and then it's vacation time. Yet you still have an overflowing to-do list. And of course your colleague comes up with a last-minute request. You will never get all those tasks done in time for the vacations. You go on vacation feeling restless. Is this a familiar feeling? Check a few weeks in advance which tasks have priority and still have to be done before your vacation. Give these tasks different priorities and collect them in a to-do list. You can easily create this to-do list in Outlook. Plan space in your calendar to do the preparations and set reminders not to forget them. Let your colleagues know a few days in advance that you are about to go on vacation. This will prevent them from knocking on your door with last-minute rush jobs.

6. Prevent problems with a smooth transfer

Is there someone to take over your work when you are on vacation? Ensure a smooth handover to avoid problems. A handover document will help you provide your colleague with all the necessary information. Think about the work, appointments, deadlines and all the information surrounding the current projects your colleague will be taking over. If you have to name everything at once, there is a good chance that you will forget something. Therefore, start a month in advance and during that month write down all the important points your colleague needs to know. This will prevent you from forgetting to pass on important information.

7. Share your inbox to ensure continuity

Have an important project pending that can't wait for your vacation? Share your inbox with a colleague so that your important projects don't lie idle during your vacation. Your colleague can then access your mails, so they don't miss anything during your absence. If necessary, your colleague can respond to your mails, allowing everything to continue pleasantly during your vacation. You can share your mailbox in 2 ways: read authorization and full access authorization. With full access, your colleague gets permission to delete mails, move mails and to send mails from your account.

8. Schedule space to update your inbox

The vacations are over. You return from vacation completely relaxed. Ready to get back to work. Of course, you want to keep this relaxed feeling for a while longer. Plan space after your vacation to read and answer your emails. That way, when you return, you will not be immediately flooded with meetings and you can update your inbox in peace.

Do you want to go on a worry-free vacation? We are happy to help you put into action all the points on this checklist to go on vacation well prepared and worry-free. For example, we can help you with a backup, Outlook settings, voicemail or phone forwarding. You can always contact us for all your questions about telecom and ICT! Contact us for an informal talk.

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