
8 tips to prevent ICT stress

Are you just working in that important file, just a few more lines and it's ready to send. Does the file no longer respond! Unfortunately, a lot has changed in the document since the last backup, leaving a large portion of the document missing. How frustrating is that! Your time is already so precious and now has to be used twice this way, when it could have been avoided. With our tips, you will ensure that this does not happen again and you can work more effectively.

1. Keep time between meetings

Is your day completely packed with meetings? Then this day sometimes feels like a race. You do not relax and at some point you no longer have the full concentration to focus during the meetings. Plan time in between meetings to catch your breath. During that time you can take note of all the insights from the previous meeting and prepare for the next meeting. You can also schedule time for short breaks, study time or focus time. With Microsoft Viva, a Teams app, you can easily reserve time for focus time. During this reserved block, your status is changed to Focus. With Focus status, you get only urgent notifications or notifications from priority contacts. This reduces distractions and allows you to focus better on your work.

2. Schedule time to prepare meetings

Your schedule is packed, leaving you no time to prepare for the meeting. You go into the meeting unprepared. As a result, you do not get everything out of the meeting, which of course you want. It is therefore important to schedule time for meetings. By setting aside time for your meeting, you ensure that your colleagues are less likely to bother you. This gives you time to note or review the agenda items and write down any questions you may have. Did you know that you can record meetings in Microsoft Teams? This allows you to easily review the meeting and write down important points.

3. Plan a week ahead

Are you struggling to meet your deadlines? You have a to-do list full of tasks but can't find the time to complete them. Then at the end of the week, look to the next week. Schedule time for your tasks so they don't get forgotten. Should something change in your schedule, adjust it in time. This will prevent tasks from lying around and piling up. With Microsoft To Do, you can easily prioritize and organize your day.

4. Use the latest software

Software can negatively affect your effectiveness. You want to use a program and it takes a very long time to start up. You spend a lot of time when you could have spent it on other work. A shame, because you can easily avoid this. To keep up with the latest hardware and operating systems, software is constantly being updated. This makes the software faster, allows new features to be added and ensures security.

5. Keep your files and data safe with a backup

Does your computer ever crash while working on an important document? Or have you ever accidentally deleted a file? With a backup, you are always 1-0 ahead! Whatever happens: human error, a program that gets stuck or even a cyber-attack. A recent backup restores your files, leaving you little extra time. In fact, you can continue working on the documents from your backup. Want to protect your files from these types of situations? Back up all your important files and data regularly.

6. Maintain hardware for optimal operation

You are just enjoying working in a program when the computer crashes and you have to restart the computer. In the meantime, your files have not been saved, so you have lost all your data. Or you start up the Internet and the Web page keeps loading. Do you run into these kinds of problems every day? Then it's time to have your computer or laptop serviced! Your computer or laptop needs maintenance every year to keep it working optimally. Perform regular updates and have your computer cleaned up. This prevents unnecessary failures and keeps your computer or laptop working optimally. We are happy to help you keep your hardware working optimally and provide your computer or laptop with annual maintenance.

7. Replace old computers or laptops

Is your computer or laptop still not working optimally after being serviced? If so, new hardware is necessary. An old computer or laptop can come at the expense of your effectiveness. Old devices are often slower and have less storage space. In addition, old hardware cannot always download the new software or software updates. With older software, you work slower, miss out on new features and often contain weaknesses for cyber attacks. Is your hardware in need of replacement? Visit us for a no-obligation consultation or order online directly.

8. Schedule focus time

We all know that it is difficult to schedule time for these items. After all, there is always something to do that is more important. But as you have seen, there can be major consequences to this. Therefore, plan time in your calendar each year to carry out the above items.

Do you want to increase effectiveness within your company? We are happy to help you purchase new hardware, software and maintain your hardware. Please contact us for a free consultation.